Employees and competence

Infratek has an open organisation with short decision-making processes and good opportunities for development. With us, it is easy to be seen. Performance culture and self-development are key factors in safeguarding our expertise in the long term. Infratek’s core values are movement, job satisfaction and presence. These values are equally applicable to all of our 1,700 co-workers, and we like all employees to have an active relationship with the core values in their day-to-day work. 

Part of our ongoing efforts to develop “ONE Infratek” has entailed establishing People & Safety as a Group unit to support the entire organisation. People & Safety aims to consolidate Infratek’s position as an attractive employer for competent people in our industry. People & Safety will also develop Infratek’s work aimed at safeguarding the safety of all deliveries and internal processes. alt

Dialogue means satisfied co-workers

A personnel policy that facilitates both personal and professional development is a strong focus in Infratek. The Group will continue to maintain, develop and attract the best expertise in the market. The access to technical expertise combined with the number of future retirals presents a challenge. Infratek’s development over the next five years will be determined by our ability to attract new co-workers and retain the existing core expertise.

Recruiting and retaining personnel and managers with drive and presence at all levels is crucial. Co-workers’ need to be seen is taken seriously by Infratek, and this is reflected in the results of our annual survey on the working environment. The survey of co-workers conducted in 2012 had a clearer focus on improvements, and the results show a distinct improvement in the general satisfaction of co-workers (Employee Satisfaction Index).

The follow-up work is handled by each division. Clear, specific and achievable action plans for further improvements are defined. The survey gives a clear indication of the perceptions of job satisfaction, motivation, commitment and management in Infratek. These are long-term and strategic areas, which we will continue to develop. 


Skills and management development
We believe that developing skills through exchanging experiences will be a solid basis for ongoing improvements in our business processes. Multidisciplinary teamwork is vital to realising our potential and delivering good results. Identifying and appointing new managers is primarily done through internal recruitment. There are therefore good opportunities for co-workers to develop in the organisation, and experienced employees are retained. The first feedback on the quality of our Group management development programme was received in 2012, and this was positive. Going forward, the programme will remain a key part of facilitating supportive and performance-oriented leadership. 

Positioning for future recruitment 

Infratek aims to attract, develop, motivate and retain employees. We often experience that employees who have moved up in the organisation have a unique loyalty that reinforces a stable working environment. New drive is also needed in the organisation, and we plan to step up our efforts to develop through external recruitment. Targeted recruitment initiatives will be conducted in order to attract applicants in the selected geographical areas where Infratek has a presence. The goal is to attract people with critical technical expertise to the company, especially engineers and project managers.

With the aim of building relationships with external experts and ensuring follow-up of the Group’s apprentices, Infratek initiated the Infratek School as a pilot project in Norway in 2009. The results of this initiative have been very encouraging. We therefore decided to continue this work in 2010, 2011 and 2012. This unit also deals with initiatives in internal skills development. 

Health and safety
The health, welfare and safety of our co-workers are always our primary concern. An HSE seminar was held during the year in Norway and Sweden. Managers, HR personnel and safety representatives in Infratek discussed and developed plans and initiatives aimed at preventing accidents in the daily work. To develop this further, overarching targets were introduced in 2012 for all managers in the Group, aimed at preventative measures to avoid accidents. The new People & Safety organisation is an expansion of this work, and is tasked with coordinating and strengthening all processes in the organisation that contribute to improved safety and developing them further within one unified Infratek.